Fine Dining Lovers - The '90s are back on the menu

“If the current ‘90s trend has a Bible, that tome is most certainly John deBary’s just-published Saved by the Bellini & Other ’90s-Inspired Cocktails. DeBary is a self-described “drinks guy, PDT and Momofuku alum who was actually able to pull off a bowl cut for much of the ‘90s.” After reading Saved by the Bellini cover to cover, cringing over the dredging up collective memories I’ve long suppressed (RIP my neglected Tamagotchi) and longing for days that were simpler, social media-less and when more neon was worn, I marvelled at deBary’s ability to create so much newness out of this decade. And so, I reached out and asked him how on earth a book about '90s-inspired cocktails even came to be.”